Monday, August 22, 2011


Its that time again.  


I love the Fall but I'm not always ready for it.  Fall brings with it the start of many things: Wednesday night programs, Harvest Fest, Upward Basketball, Homeschooling and much much more.  I could not function if I did not make a schedule and even with a schedule I sometimes feel like my cup over flowith. 
The biggest thing that has to happen on my schedule is proper bed time for my kiddos.  When Fall comes I have to make sure that my kids are fed, bathed, had reading time and are in bed by 7pm.  We try hard to keep this schedule every night except Wednesday night.  We are not morning people, repeat we are not morning people, but we are up by 7am dressed, eating and getting ready for our day.  

Without my schedule I would be pulling out my hair.

Do you have a schedule that keeps you sane?
Or are you more of a go by the flow type of person? 
Do you plan some things or do you plan everything?

Will post about meal planing later, do you plan your meals??? 


  1. I'm with you on a schedule. This summer we have let the bedtime slide a little so now we are trying to get it back on track. I am married to a schedule/list person so a little of that has rubbed off on me. I still like to have a some flex in my week for those in prompt to play dates and other fun things that come up! I have our school planned our for 3 weeks at a time so that helps me stay sane!

  2. Jen- I am a schedule junky. I'm always reading and looking for more information on how to be better organized. I don't think I've improved much in the past year.:(
